Friday, February 20, 2009

Today? Why, it's another IPA!

I apologize for the was taken on my cell's camera. I had Lakefront's India Pale Ale at work today...they had sent us an entire case for the National IPA Challenge, so we had a bunch left over. I don't know much about the brewery, but I'll certainly tell you about their beer!

Appearance - pours a cloudy dark, golden color with a nice, creamy head which dissipated very quickly. It left a nice lacing around the glass (see: picture).

Aroma - smells like hops. Very fresh, grassy hops. There was a bit of the traditional citrus aroma, but hops definitely dominates here. I detected a bit of malty caramel as well, but it's barely there.

Mouthfeel - wonderful balance between smoothness and carbonation. Goes down very easily and leaves a bitter, dry aftertaste. In fact, it was a bit too bitter for me.

Taste - I only wish all beers tasted this fresh. This seems close to a wet-hopped beer due to its level of freshness, and it's absolutely delicious. There's a little bit of fruity malt, but the hops overpowers it.

Overall - a great beer for hopheads, which I happen to be! Lakefront really hopped the crap out of this beer, perhaps a bit too much, but it was still wonderful. Kudos to them for keeping such a fresh taste, as well. I have them losing in the first round to Bear Republic's Racer 5, but after this...I might be rethinking my pick.

Grade: A-

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