Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another Day, another beer...

On tap today we have Long Trail's Hefeweizen, which actually made it all the way to the finals, before losing, in The Brewing News' Global Warming Open. Let's get to it!

Appearance - Poured a cloudy, dark golden color with a small, fluffy head that dissipated quickly. Looked pretty unfiltered to me-- quite a bit of yeast in the beer.

Aroma - Two smells really stood out-- bananas and a heavy, lemony aroma. There was a hint of wheat (it is a wheat beer!) and a grass-like fragrance as well.

Mouthfeel - Really nice carbonation that hits the tongue immediately, a very light beer with a somewhat sticky aftertaste. The body itself was a bit too watery for my tastes, but it went down easily enough.

Taste - Typical banana flavor, but what really hit me was the strong, prevalent lemon taste. The two formed a nice balance, but I felt the aftertaste was a really sweet, tangy lemon flavor...perhaps a bit too much of one.

Overall - It's easy to see how this made it all the way to the finals-- it's really refreshing and would definitely be great on a warm summer's day. Of course, with it being winter and all...well, you get my point.

Grade: B

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