Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Meet my hippie friend, Red. He's a real Hophead!

I went into my fridge tonight, and pulled out this beauty of an amber ale-- Green Flash's Hop Head Red.

Appearance - It poured a thick, cloudy brown with the yeast sediment very visible and had a fluffy, off-white head.

Aroma - very malty and a hefty dose of caramel...has a nice, sweet citrus undertone with a strong dose of hops...Green Flash definitely did not hold back!

Mouthfeel - a good amount of carbonation is present, and this beer is very, very smooth. The aftertaste isn't really there, and this beer is way too easy to drink.

Taste - The hops flavor hits first, and it hits hard! It's really well-balanced with the citrus (I'm thinking grapefruit) flavor. The hops/citrus gives way to the malt/caramel backbone, and then finishes with more of that bitter hoppiness-- it's like a roller coaster... of beer.

Overall - This is more like an IPA, but I'm certainly not complaining. An outstanding beer that I could definitely drink a couple more of. Just like their West Coast IPA, Green Flash has brewed another winner!!

Grade: A

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